This I take to be a reference to StataCorp's FAQs.
StataCorp maintain a what's new page:
In my experience, all new FAQs and all major
revisions are documented on this page.
In addition, if you keep up-to-date with -update-,
. search <keyword>
will find FAQs associated with a keyword. In
practice, there is more benefit to be had from
being aware that the FAQs include substantial
guidance -- there are now a few hundred FAQs
on the StataCorp website -- so that you can -search-
for help -- than in keeping an eye out for
what happens to be new. (Things don't go out of date
that quickly.)
In addition, UCLA in particular maintain
a splendid set of FAQs and other material
on Stata, which -- although outwith "official"
Stata -- is also accessible through -search-.
[email protected]
[email protected]
> is there a way to be informed of updates concerning FAQ?
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