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st: RE: bysort group: gen time = _n

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: bysort group: gen time = _n
Date   Fri, 21 Nov 2003 20:05:48 -0000

No reason why it should. 

. bysort group : gen time = _n 

will in general produce quite 
arbitrary values for -time-, 
just as would 

. sysuse auto
. bysort rep78 : gen time = _n 

You're more likely to want something like

. bysort group (year) : gen time = _n 

That is, for this to make sense, some 
other variable must be available 
to indicate the order _within_ groups.  

[email protected] 

Clive Nicholas
> Unfortunately, -bysort group: gen time = _n- didn't do the 
> trick, as I
> suspected it mightn't. That's the variable that, when 
> generated, produces
> the "repeated time values within panel r(451);" error. :( I 
> should have
> been a bit clearer on that earlier!

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