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st: Replace

From   "de la Garza, Adrian" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Replace
Date   Fri, 21 Nov 2003 14:09:03 -0500

Dear Statapeeps,

I need to replace some values of a variable that meet certain
conditions. Although I know it's not possible to make direct references
to rows using the -replace- command, this is what I want to do:

replace status = status[`j'] if status[`j'] == "NM" | status[`j'] == "W"
in `i'

I tried to use a local variable to avoid using status[`j'] in the
command line but it didn't work. Like this:

					local sta = status[`j']
					replace status = "`sta'" if
status[`j']=="NM"|status[`j']=="W" in `i'

You will find my whole script below.

Do you know how I can get past this problem?

Here I present a chunk of my dataset so that you understand the problem
better. You don't need to read the rest if you already understood what I
want to do from the command line above.

The data is organized in a panel format by country-date. What I need is
to fill in the values of 'status' whenever they are missing and they
meet certain conditions. 

Suppose I start a loop that sweeps through 'status' row by row. Most
observations in 'status' are missing and suddenly, in observation [i] I
find one cell that is not missing. 
(a) If status[i] = "M"/"W"/"NM", the subsequent rows (observations [j],
where j gets different values) should be "M"/"W"/"NM" whenever
country[i]=country[j] and date1[i]=date1[j].

(b) If, however, status[i] = "PC" then I need to look at the next
non-empty cell to decide what "PC" is going to be in [i]. PC is going to
be converted into "M" except if a subsequent value is "W" or "NM". A
value in row [j] is considered subsequent if [j] > [i] and
country[i]=country[j] and date1[i]=date1[j].

The data looks like this:

               country    date      date1    date2     status
  401. |       Armenia    1997m5    1995m6   1999m12          |
  402. |       Armenia    1997m6    1996m2   1999m12       PC |
  403. |       Armenia    1997m7    1996m2   1999m12          |
  404. |       Armenia    1997m8    1996m2   1999m12          |
  405. |       Armenia    1997m9    1996m2   1999m12          |
  406. |       Armenia   1997m10    1996m2   1999m12          |
  407. |       Armenia   1997m11    1996m2   1999m12          |
  408. |       Armenia   1997m12    1996m2   1999m12          |
  409. |       Armenia    1998m1    1996m2   1999m12          |
  410. |       Armenia    1998m2    1996m2   1999m12        W |
  411. |       Armenia    1998m3    1996m2   1999m12          |
  412. |       Armenia    1998m4    1996m2   1999m12          |
  413. |       Armenia    1998m5    1996m2   1999m12          |
  414. |       Armenia    1998m6    1996m2   1999m12          |
  415. |       Armenia    1998m7    1996m2   1999m12          |
  416. |       Armenia    1998m8    1996m2   1999m12          |
  417. |       Armenia    1998m9    1996m2   1999m12          |
  418. |       Armenia   1998m10    1996m2   1999m12          |
  419. |       Armenia   1998m11    1996m2   1999m12          |
  420. |       Armenia   1998m12    1996m2   1999m12       PC |
  421. |       Armenia    1999m1    1996m2   1999m12          |
  422. |       Armenia    1999m2    1996m2   1999m12          |
  423. |       Armenia    1999m3    1996m2   1999m12          |
  424. |       Armenia    1999m4    1996m2   1999m12          |
  425. |       Armenia    1999m5    1996m2   1999m12          |
  426. |       Armenia    1999m6    1996m2   1999m12          |
  427. |       Armenia    1999m7    1996m2   1999m12          |
  428. |       Armenia    1999m8    1996m2   1999m12          |
  429. |       Armenia    1999m9    1996m2   1999m12          |
  430. |       Armenia   1999m10    1996m2   1999m12        M |
  431. |       Armenia   1999m11    1996m2   1999m12          |
  432. |       Armenia   1999m12    1996m2   1999m12          |
  433. |       Armenia    2000m1         .         .          |
  434. |       Armenia    2000m2         .         .          |

And after running my script it should look like this:

               country    date      date1    date2     status
  401. |       Armenia    1997m5    1995m6   1999m12          |
  402. |       Armenia    1997m6    1996m2   1999m12        W |
  403. |       Armenia    1997m7    1996m2   1999m12        W |
  404. |       Armenia    1997m8    1996m2   1999m12        W |
  405. |       Armenia    1997m9    1996m2   1999m12        W |
  406. |       Armenia   1997m10    1996m2   1999m12        W |
  407. |       Armenia   1997m11    1996m2   1999m12        W |
  408. |       Armenia   1997m12    1996m2   1999m12        W |
  409. |       Armenia    1998m1    1996m2   1999m12        W |
  410. |       Armenia    1998m2    1996m2   1999m12        W |
  411. |       Armenia    1998m3    1996m2   1999m12        W |
  412. |       Armenia    1998m4    1996m2   1999m12        W |
  413. |       Armenia    1998m5    1996m2   1999m12        W |
  414. |       Armenia    1998m6    1996m2   1999m12        W |
  415. |       Armenia    1998m7    1996m2   1999m12        W |
  416. |       Armenia    1998m8    1996m2   1999m12        W |
  417. |       Armenia    1998m9    1996m2   1999m12        W |
  418. |       Armenia   1998m10    1996m2   1999m12        W |
  419. |       Armenia   1998m11    1996m2   1999m12        W |
  420. |       Armenia   1998m12    1996m2   1999m12        M |
  421. |       Armenia    1999m1    1996m2   1999m12        M |
  422. |       Armenia    1999m2    1996m2   1999m12        M |
  423. |       Armenia    1999m3    1996m2   1999m12        M |
  424. |       Armenia    1999m4    1996m2   1999m12        M |
  425. |       Armenia    1999m5    1996m2   1999m12        M |
  426. |       Armenia    1999m6    1996m2   1999m12        M |
  427. |       Armenia    1999m7    1996m2   1999m12        M |
  428. |       Armenia    1999m8    1996m2   1999m12        M |
  429. |       Armenia    1999m9    1996m2   1999m12        M |
  430. |       Armenia   1999m10    1996m2   1999m12        M |
  431. |       Armenia   1999m11    1996m2   1999m12        M |
  432. |       Armenia   1999m12    1996m2   1999m12        M |
  433. |       Armenia    2000m1         .         .          |
  434. |       Armenia    2000m2         .         .          |

This is my script and I don't know what the problem is:

      local m = _N
	forv i = 1/`m' {
		if status[`i'] != "" {
			if status[`i'] == "PC" {
				local j = `i'+1
				while status[`j'] == "" &
country[`j']==country[`i'] & date1[`i']==date1[`j'] {
					local sta = status[`j']
					replace status = "`sta'" if
status[`j']=="NM"|status[`j']=="W" in `i'
					replace status = "M" if
status[`j']=="M"|(date1[`j']!=date1[`i'] & country[`j']!=country[`i'] in
			else {
				local j = `i'+1
				local k = 0
				while status[`j'] == "" &
country[`i']==country[`j'] & date1[`i']==date1[`j'] {
					local sta = status[`i']
					replace status = "`sta'" in `j'
					local j = `j'+1
					local k = `k'+1
			local i = `i'+`k'

Thanks a lot,

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