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Re: st: RE: How can I find the sum of specific values of a variable?

From   Matt Dobra <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: How can I find the sum of specific values of a variable?
Date   Thu, 20 Nov 2003 18:06:29 -0500

I think abbrev only works for string variables, which might be a problem if sic is numeric.

A similar approach might be:

gen sicabbrev=round(sic-50,100)/100

and from there, do what Adrian suggests
de la Garza, Adrian wrote:
Why don't you use -abbrev(SIC,2)-? This will abbreviate the values of
SIC to only the first 2 characters. You can do this:

generate SICabbrev = abbrev(SIC,2)

Then you can store the value of all EXPs with SICabbrev = 20 in a
variable called 'sum' like this:

egen sum = sum(EXP) if SICabbrev == 20

Or you can get the sums by SICabbrev and collapse the dataset like this:

collapse (sum) EXP, by(SICabbrev)

Hope this helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: Delis, A. [mailto:[email protected]] 
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 4:39 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: How can I find the sum of specific values of a variable?

Dear Statalisters

I have a dataset like the following, where the SIC values are 
in an ascending order
2011	667.8039
2013	130.8002

2095	38.90306
2098	0.617763
2111	249.92
2121	3.738577
2131	35.32281
2298	5.709858
2299	39.7519

What I want to find is the sum of EXP values that have a SIC 
value begining with 20, i.e. 667.8039+130.8002+..+38.90306+0.617763 
In others words I have some 4digit SIC data and I want to 
aggregate them into  2digit SIC.

Any hint is really appreciated

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