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Re: st: RE: Reshape problem.

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: Reshape problem.
Date   Sat, 15 Nov 2003 11:56:28 -0500

Hi John,

Thanks for the reply.

I think I should be provide more description of what I am try to do.
I have a set of 8099 women. Questions have been asked on the
number of chidlren and whether they are still leaving or not.
I want to reshape the dataset in order to have a dataset of the children.

. use "C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\womendata.dta", clear
. count
. sort caseid
. g wid=_n

. d
bidx_01         byte   %2.0f                  Birth column number
bord_01         byte   %2.0f                  Birth order number
b0_01           byte   %1.0f       b0_01      Child is twin
b1_01           byte   %2.0f                  Month of birth
b2_01           byte   %2.0f                  Year of birth
b3_01           int    %4.0f                  Date of birth (CMC)
b4_01           byte   %1.0f       b4_01      Sex of child
b5_01           byte   %1.0f       b5_01      Child is alive
b6_01           int    %3.0f       b6_01      Age at death
b7_01           int    %3.0f                  Age at death (months-imputed)
b8_01           byte   %2.0f                  Current age of child
b9_01           byte   %1.0f       b9_01      Who child lives with
b10_01          byte   %1.0f       b10_01     Completeness of information
b11_01          int    %3.0f                  Preceding birth interval
b12_01          byte   %3.0f                  Succeeding birth interval
b13_01          byte   %1.0f       b13_01     Flag for age at death
b14_01          byte   %1.0f       b14_01     Birth interval >= 4 years - NA
b15_01          byte   %1.0f       b15_01     Live birth between births - NA
bidx_02         byte   %2.0f                  Birth column number
bord_02         byte   %2.0f                  Birth order number
b0_02           byte   %1.0f       b0_02      Child is twin
b1_02           byte   %2.0f                  Month of birth
b2_02           byte   %2.0f                  Year of birth
b3_02           int    %4.0f                  Date of birth (CMC)
b4_02           byte   %1.0f       b4_02      Sex of child
b5_02           byte   %1.0f       b5_02      Child is alive
b6_02           int    %3.0f       b6_02      Age at death
b7_02           int    %3.0f                  Age at death (months-imputed)
b8_02           byte   %2.0f                  Current age of child
b9_02           byte   %1.0f       b9_02      Who child lives with
b10_02          byte   %1.0f       b10_02     Completeness of information
b11_02          int    %3.0f                  Preceding birth interval
b12_02          int    %3.0f                  Succeeding birth interval
b13_02          byte   %1.0f       b13_02     Flag for age at death
b14_02          byte   %1.0f       b14_02     Birth interval >= 4 years - NA
b15_02          byte   %1.0f       b15_02     Live birth between births - NA
bidx_03         byte   %2.0f                  Birth column number
bord_03         byte   %2.0f                  Birth order number
bidx_10         byte   %2.0f                  Birth column number
bord_10         byte   %2.0f                  Birth order number
b0_10           byte   %1.0f       b0_10      Child is twin
b1_10           byte   %2.0f                  Month of birth
b2_10           byte   %2.0f                  Year of birth
b3_10           int    %4.0f                  Date of birth (CMC)
b4_10           byte   %1.0f       b4_10      Sex of child
b5_10           byte   %1.0f       b5_10      Child is alive
b6_10           int    %3.0f       b6_10      Age at death
b7_10           int    %3.0f                  Age at death (months-imputed)
b8_10           byte   %2.0f                  Current age of child
b9_10           byte   %1.0f       b9_10      Who child lives with
b10_10          byte   %1.0f       b10_10     Completeness of information
b11_10          byte   %3.0f                  Preceding birth interval
b12_10          int    %3.0f                  Succeeding birth interval
b13_10          byte   %1.0f       b13_10     Flag for age at death
b14_10          byte   %1.0f       b14_10     Birth interval >= 4 years - NA
b15_10          byte   %1.0f       b15_10     Live birth between births - NA

. global varx "bidx_ bord_ b0_ b3_ b4_ b5_ b7_ b11_ "
. global varx2 "bidx bord b0 b3 b4 b5 b7 b11"
. reshape long $varx, i(wid) j(j 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10)
. foreach X of global varx2 {
     rename `X'_  `X'
. drop *_*
. save "C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\childrendata.dta", replace
. count

. su

        bidx |       287          10           0         10         10
        bord |       287    1.919861    1.166485          1          6
          b0 |       287    .0836237    .3739462          0          2
          b3 |       287    850.6167    53.78004        697        975
          b4 |       287    1.508711    .5007973          1          2
          b5 |       287    .6689895    .4713988          0          1
          b7 |        95    35.71579    65.85294          0        312
        b11 |       143    25.37063    10.92141         10         63

My problem is about the huge difference between 80950 and 287.

What is wrong with my program ?

Best regards.


                      "Wallace, John"                                                                                                      
                      <John_Wallace@affymetrix.                                          To:  "'[email protected]'"           
                      com>                              <[email protected]>                                                   
                      Sent by:                         cc:                                                                                 
                      owner-statalist@hsphsun2.        Subject:  st: RE: Reshape problem.                                                  
                      11/14/2003 08:15 PM                                                                                                  
                      Please respond to                                                                                                    

One of the things that reshape can do is "compress" the number of
observations by increasing the number of variables.  It all depends on the
exact implemenation you're using.

For example, if I have a list of 100 observations, consisting of 20
individuals with 5 measurements, I could reshape it into 20 observations
with 5 variables, and still have the same overall information represented in
the data set.  In this case, the i factor of the reshape would be
individual, the j factor would be variable, and the x factor would be

It would be easier to help you with more specific descriptions of your data
structure, and the syntax you used to reshape.

John Wallace
Research Associate
Affymetrix, Inc

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 5:11 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: Reshape problem.


I am trying to reshape a dataset.
The original dataset contains 5500 individuals.
But when I reshape it, (after having carefully
read the manual), my new dataset only contains 20

There is very few missing observations in the original dataset.

What is wrong with the command?

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