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st: Re: Stata on YDL

From   Christopher F Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: Stata on YDL
Date   Fri, 14 Nov 2003 07:08:38 -0500

On Nov 14, 2003, at 2:33 AM, Chris wrote:

Is there a version of Stata the will run on Yellow Dog Linux on an Apple? I
don't know much about it, but apparently it is basically RedHat for the Apple.
I did not find this combo listed on the Stata website. I'm looking for a
replacement for Windows and need to be sure my applications will still run.
There was a Stata version 7.0 release for Linux/PPC. The issue is not the flavor of Linux, but the underlying processor on which Linux runs (PowerPC rather than Intel or equivalent). The Linux/PPC version did not appear in Stata version 8, presumably due to insignificant demand.

Being the individual who badgered StataCorp to produce such a version, I must explain that pre-Mac OS X, the performance of Apple hardware running Linux was quite improved, for compute-bound tasks, when that hardware was set up for dual-boot into YellowDog Linux and (Classic) Mac OS -- similar to the performance gain that any Windows user may enjoy by dual-booting into RedHat, Debian or SuSE Linux when they have some serious computations to do, and wish to avoid the overhead of Windows. But with the release and continual improvement of Mac OS X, which is capable of running most Unix/Linux apps as efficiently as any other *nix system, there is less need IMHO for PowerPC Linux. YDL runs fine, and gives you a solid Linux environment on Mac hardware; but hey, it doesn't do iTunes. End of story.


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