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RE: st: Re: downloading without internet access

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Re: downloading without internet access
Date   Tue, 11 Nov 2003 12:29:32 -0000

It seems highly unlikely that your internet access
is direct. I'd even bet on that.

On my system my access is mediated by
a proxy server (I may be misusing terminology slightly
or even seriously as I am not a systems person) so that I have within
a which runs every time Stata starts

set httpproxyhost xxxxxxxxx
set httpproxyport 8080
set httpproxy on

where xxxxxxxxx represents a nearby system.
In short, Stata needs to know precisely how
to talk to the internet. This
should sit within the same directory as
the executable. You can put other stuff
in it as appropriate.

I believe that the proxy port is a standard setting.

You may be able to discern details appropriate
to you within Internet Explorer via

Internet options
LAN settings

[email protected]

Ramani Gunatilaka

> 1) I'm using WindowsXP and can directly access internet
> from this computer. So e-mail, internet access with Windows
> Explorer is just a click away.
> 2) I can access internet from within Stata only when the
> URL is clearly stated, i.e. the http://www. link shows up
> in the online help.
> 3) But I cannot access internet for anything else. For
> example, findit returns r(2) even though I've increased the
> timeout to 500! Same result with the ssc install command.
> Same with update.
> The reason could be that this computer was once configured
> for the main university network but is now connected to the
> university halls of residence network.
> 4) I thought of trying the method I wrote in with earlier
> after reading the user support page on updating Stata
> without direct internet access from within Stata -
> I update Stata periodically (I am now on the 31 October
> version) by following these instructions.
> 5) Since applying the same logic to ado files, I've
> downloaded three ado files and their help files from your site.
> Wrt ado files, since they get saved in the c:/ado/plus
> subdirectory as txt files, I rename them by simply deleting
> the txt suffix and retaining the ado suffix so it is, say,
> makematrix.ado.
> 6) The ado files downloaded in this manner (e.g. make
> matrix and outreg) worked. As for the help files, I noticed
> that the help files of the newer ado files, e.g.
> makematrix.ado, display well when -help makematrix- is
> typed. However, the formatting of the older outreg help
> file disappeared and the text just wrapped around without pause.

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