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RE: st: Stata --> PDFLaTeX, or, when will we get a PDF translator?

From   "David Epstein" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Stata --> PDFLaTeX, or, when will we get a PDF translator?
Date   Sun, 9 Nov 2003 17:41:41 -0500

Upon using your ado file, I encounter a message like to following:

"file ..\..\RevisedAJPS\WBVSScatter.eps cannot be modified or erased; in
read-only directory"

Have you run into this before? Any idea what causes it?



-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of
[email protected]
Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2003 4:25 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: Stata --> PDFLaTeX, or, when will we get a PDF

Indeed, it would be great if Stata could export graphs to PDF under non-MAC
systems too.

However, under Windows, I've used the command-line converter -epstopdf-
(available in most LaTeX distributions I believe) without any problem. That
is: I export my Stata graph to EPS, call the external command -epstopdf- to
convert it to PDF, and the PDF file can be imported and PDFLaTeX-ed without
a glitch.

This can be done a one-step procedure with the following programme. Use
-grexportpdf using ... - instead of the official -graph export ...-

Best wishes


*! grexportpdf 1.0, Ph.Van Kerm, Aug-2003
* this command exports current graph to PDF (requires epstopdf installed!!)
*  grexportpdf using path/filename
  cap pr drop grexportpdf
  pr def grexportpdf
    version 8
    syntax using/
    loc using = subinstr("`using'",".pdf","",.)
    gr export "`using'.eps" , replace
    !epstopdf "`using'.eps"
    erase "`using'.eps"

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