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Re: st: data set reconfiguration

From   Philip Ryan <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: data set reconfiguration
Date   Sun, 9 Nov 2003 00:27:44 +1030


It's a little hard to be sure exactly how to approach this most efficiently as 
your data all *appear* as strings, but of course may just be labels hiding 
numbers. In what follows I will assume that the outcome variables (q1_1 and 
q1_2) are in fact numeric - otherwise you won't be able to do a signed rank 
test - but if they are strings you had better first change them to numeric.  I 
will however assume that the variable "eye" holding values "OD" and "OS" is 
string, only because this leads to a demonstration of a required extra option 
in the -reshape- command.  (may one guess that "OD" signifies the right - 
dextra- eye, and "OS" the left - sinistra - eye??).  

Anyway, assuming that "None" for the outcome variables might really be a score 
of 0 in some, at least ordinal, scoring system:

. list , nolabel

     | jmec_no   eye    iol   q1_1   q1_2   sex |
  1. |   30332    OD   SA60      0      0     F |
  2. |   30332    OS   AR40      0      0     F |
  3. |   46199    OD   SA60      0      0     F |
  4. |   46199    OS   AR40      0      0     F |


. reshape wide iol q1*, i(jmec_no) j(eye) string
(note: j = OD OS)

Data                               long   ->   wide
Number of obs.                        4   ->       2
Number of variables                   6   ->       8
j variable (2 values)               eye   ->   (dropped)
xij variables:
                                    iol   ->   iolOD iolOS
                                   q1_1   ->   q1_1OD q1_1OS
                                   q1_2   ->   q1_2OD q1_2OS

Note that:

1.  I had to specify the -string- option, because the j index is ordinarily 
expected to be numeric.

2.  I had to either drop the iol variable or (as I ended up choosing) include 
it in the list of variables I wanted reshaped, since iol is not constant within

each case identifier.

. list, nolabel

     | jmec_no   iolOD   q1_1OD   q1_2OD   iolOS   q1_1OS   q1_2OS   sex |
  1. |   30332    SA60        0        0    AR40        0        0     F |
  2. |   46199    SA60        0        0    AR40        0        0     F |

and, given some more data to make it sensible, one could:

. signrank  q1_1OD =  q1_1OS

to do a paired test on outcome q1_1 between eyes, and

. signrank  q1_2OD =  q1_2OS

to do the same on outcome q1_2


Quoting [email protected]:

> Greetings STATA-listers,
> I have a dataset examining eye surgeries and I want to examine 
> how responses to certain variables (e.g. q1_1, q1_2, etc.) 
> between each eye vary.  The problem is, my dataset is 
> structured as pasted below:
>      +------------------------------------------+
>      | jmec_no   eye    iol   sex   q1_1   q1_2 |
>      |------------------------------------------|
>   1. |   30332    OD   SA60     F   None   None |
>   2. |   30332    OS   AR40     F   None   None |
>   3. |   46199    OD   SA60     F   None   None |
>   4. |   46199    OS   AR40     F   None   None |
>      +------------------------------------------+
> How do I restructure the dataset so that the Wilcoxon sign rank 
> test can be performed??  That is, I recognize that I need to 
> reshape it or create an array or do some manipulation, but I am 
> at a loss as how to proceed (even after a perusal of the 
> reference manual and STATA help feature) - any suggestions?
> Many thanks,
> Clint Thompson  
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Philip Ryan
Associate Professor
Department of Public Health
University of Adelaide
5005 South Australia
CRICOS Provider Number 00123M
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