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st: 5-years period averages

Subject   st: 5-years period averages
Date   Tue, 28 Oct 2003 20:27:42 +0100 (MEZ)

--It seems this email did not get through yesterday and I am sending it 
again, sorry for that--
Thanks a lot Scott and Nick for your very helpful suggestions. My previous 
do-file tried in fact to create a variable -idfifth- that identifies groups 
of 5-years in a setting of 42 years by country. This is indeed what Nick's 
suggestion nicely achieved with -egen, seq- that I did not know. The next 
step is then to just generate my 5-years averages using -egen, mean- as 
follow ******bysort id idfifth: egen m`var' = mean(`var')**** for each of my 
variable of interest.
This gives me then a "5 independent years groups averages", but now I am 
confused after Scott's comments and need to check out the FAQs on moving 
averages to make sure that this is not what I need.
Thanks again

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