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Re: st: Re: strange wildcard action

From   David Kantor <>
Subject   Re: st: Re: strange wildcard action
Date   Mon, 27 Oct 2003 16:33:11 -0500

At 01:38 PM 10/27/2003 -0600, Alan Riley wrote:

  1) This problem can only be seen when some very particular path
     structure or combination of file names exists.  If we were to
     exactly recreate Al's file and directory structure, we would
     be able to reproduce the problem.  We could then try to find
     a workaround.
Just a thought: This may be a result of -dir- (whether it be in Stata or in the command prompt) looking at both the WIN32 file names and the DOS short alias names. Perhaps some of Al's files, such as satish2_aug01.dta, have DOS aliases that begin "saf". This is unlikely, as I would expect the alias to begin "sat", but it is not impossible. In any case, the presence of these alias names can cause some surprises.

(To see alias names, type
dir .... /x
at the command prompt.)

-- David

David Kantor
Institute for Policy Studies
Johns Hopkins University

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