There is a Stata 6 implementation of this idea
on SSC as -tabplot-. In essence I share some of
Lee's doubts about the effectiveness
of such graphs. As far as I can recall I got some way
with a Stata 8 translation before getting diverted
by something else.
I'd play with two panels for (a) the dominant category
and (b) the minority categories. That would allow
different scales, which seem essential here, or nearly
so, to see both the large and the small.
[email protected]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected]
> [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of
> Lee Sieswerda
> Sent: 27 October 2003 15:29
> To: '[email protected]'
> Subject: st: RE: RE: RE: Making bar charts readable in a grayscale
> photocopy.
> Daniel,
> 4. There is a type of graph that represents the contents of
> an r x c table
> as a rectangular array of variously sized boxes (the bigger
> the cell number,
> the larger the box). The idea here is to directly translate
> tabular data
> into a graphical form. As far as I know, this is not
> implemented in Stata,
> but Nick Cox may know better. It is implemented in R and I
> searched for
> about 20 minutes to find it, but can't seem to put my
> finger on it. Perhaps
> someone else knows the name of the command. EpiInfo
> implements this graph
> type for 2 x 2 tables, but strictly, I think, as an aid to the
> numerically-challenged trying to solve an outbreak. It
> probably has some
> better use in larger r x c tables, but I'm hesitant to even
> mention it
> because it is probably not really a solution. The fact that
> such graphs are
> rarely published or even implemented is perhaps an
> indication that they lack
> resonance in the scientific community.
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