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st: graphing data using map of US

From   Stephen McKay <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: graphing data using map of US
Date   Mon, 27 Oct 2003 09:30:06 +0000

What is being described is known as a choropleth map.

Some of the suggestions may be a bit high-powered for such a 
(relatively) simple task.  CDC's EPI-info package has a mapping 
programme (Epimap) which is freeware for most users.

Even so, some competitor software packages do come equipped with a few 
standard maps (like for US states) and I imagine it would be possible 
to do this with stata's graphics engine ...?!


# - ----- Original Message -----
# From: "Boylan, Richard" <[email protected]>
# To: <[email protected]>
# Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2003 11:42 PM
# Subject: st: graphing data using map of US
# > Does anyone know of a program that allows to graph data using the map
# > of the US?  I.e., a map of the us is drawn, and states that have higher
# values will have different shades than
# > states that have lower values for a variable.
# >
# > Thanks.
# >
# > Rihcard

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