Dear Statalist,
I would like to define a local that contains the names of all of the
variables in my dataset. I would like to write something like this:
local varlist: _all or local varlist "*"
but these commands do not work. I can perform this using
local varlist "A1-Z100"
but I would like to do for a large number of files where the variable
names are different in each dataset and they are not sorted in
alphabetical order.
Dimitriy V. Masterov
Dimitriy V. Masterov
Center for Social Program Evaluation
1155 East 60th St. Room 038
Chicago, IL 60637
Work: (773)256-6005
Fax: (773)256-6313
1312 East 53rd St., Apt.309
Chicago, IL 60615
Mobile: (773)220-2760
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