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st: reshape

From   "ann fitzmaurice" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: reshape
Date   Wed, 22 Oct 2003 10:26:42 +0100 (BST)


i am trying to use reshape

i have beein using an alternative program for data manipulation  and
analysis using stata

i have a data set with 16 variables that occur several times

what i want to do is for each associated group of variables i want to use
reshape to make one variable and repeat for each group of variables ,
there are other variables in the data set which would then effectively be
stacked upon each other

i  show the start of the spss restructure to demonstrate

 /MAKE trans1 FROM mmidx$01 mmidx$02 mmidx$03 mmidx$04 mmidx$05 mmidx$06
  mmidx$07 mmidx$08 mmidx$09 mmidx$10 mmidx$11 mmidx$12 mmidx$13 mmidx$14
  mmidx$15 mmidx$16 mmidx$17 mmidx$18 mmidx$19 mmidx$20
 /MAKE trans2 FROM mm1$01 mm1$02 mm1$03 mm1$04 mm1$05 mm1$06 mm1$07 mm1$08
  mm1$09 mm1$10 mm1$11 mm1$12 mm1$13 mm1$14 mm1$15 mm1$16 mm1$17 mm1$18
 the new trans variables are what i am trying to achieve in stata , i
presume that the use of wildcards will cut down the command



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