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st: using an external editor on Mac OS X

From   Benjamin Hulley <>
Subject   st: using an external editor on Mac OS X
Date   Tue, 21 Oct 2003 14:45:55 -0700

Hi All

I'm trying to integrate TextWrangler (a smaller BBedit) more closely with Stata and have written a couple of applescripts to pass a file or a selection of commands to Stata. I invoke TextWrangler with the shell command and it works when creating a new file, but it does not work when invoking TextWrangler with out opening a new file. Specifically, when I type:
.shell edit -c
TextWrangler opens up with the new file "", and I can use my applescripts to send the file back to Stata. However, if I then type:
.shell edit -l
TextWrangler comes to the front and the Stata icon bounces in the dock (which it doesn't do if creating a new file). The problem is that if I try to send the file back to Stata, the TextWrangler menu becomes grayed out and the commands do not execute until I manually switch to Stata.

I believe the problem is independent of the applescripts because Stata's behavior changes for the two different ways of invoking TextWrangler.

I'm sorry if this explanation is a little confusing, but does anyone have an idea why one way works and the other doesn't and a way around this problem?

Thanks in advance


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