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Re: st: Re: problem with -capture drop-

From   David Kantor <>
Subject   Re: st: Re: problem with -capture drop-
Date   Tue, 21 Oct 2003 17:32:53 -0400

This conversation about -drop- dropping unintended variables makes me wonder if Stat Corp. ought to provide an option to control this behavior -- to not interpret names as potential abbreviations. Perhaps it would go...

drop r , exactnames

-- David

At 01:58 PM 10/21/2003 -0700, Eddy wrote:

Thanks for the explanation, but I still cannot fathom the logic of
this implementation. If I want to drop a single or all variables
begining with r, I shall use a wildcard like r*, no matter whether I
have only one variable beginning with r in the dataset or not. If I
want to drop the literatral "r", I shall be able to do so by
specifying -capture drop r-.

Anyway, the practical issue here is: Is there a way to stop Stata
from playing smart in this type of situation? Thanks.

David Kantor
Institute for Policy Studies
Johns Hopkins University

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