this is because in this dataset, there is only one variable with the name
beginning from "r"
so, when you type: capture drop r
Stata refers the variable name, r, as the variable resid
So, that variable is dropped after you specify -capture drop r-
----- Original Message -----
From: "Eddy" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 4:15 PM
Subject: st: problem with -capture drop-
> Dear Statalisters,
> I encountered an odd behavior of -capture drop-, and would appreciate
> advice.
> I have a program in which a variable called "resid" was created
> first, and another variable "r" was created later. Before creating
> "r", I want to make sure that there is no existing variable sharing
> the same name. So I issue
> capture drop r
> to make sure there is no "r" before it is created. The problem is,
> the above line also drops "resid" which I'd like to keep it there.
> The symptom can be illustrated as the follows.
> ---------- example -------------------
> . set obs 100
> obs was 0, now 100
> . gen resid = 1
> .
> . sum resid
> Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min
> Max
> -------------+--------------------------------------------------------
> resid | 100 1 0 1
> 1
> .
> . capture drop r
> .
> . sum resid
> no variables defined
> r(111);
> -------- end of example -------
> This is true for both Stata 7, 7SE, and 8SE. My question: Is this the
> intended behavior? Is there anyway to tell Stata to drop only those
> literally specified? Thanks.
> Eddy
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