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st: Interpreting missing standard errors, no z scores, etc. in stcox

From   "Douglas Thomas" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Interpreting missing standard errors, no z scores, etc. in stcox
Date   Tue, 21 Oct 2003 10:14:31 -0600

Dear Statalist:

I am running Stcox and would really appreciate any help that someone what me able to provide. How does one interpret missing standard errors, misin z scores etc. When I run it, several of the variables, (e.g., "lang") come back with a hazard ratio but nothing else. I checked the Stata FAQ response. However, it is unclear to me if it best practice to leave those variables out. Are the results credible with some of the variables coming out like this. Also, many of the P values are coming back as 1.000. How does one interpret this result? Can I use/trust the overall results and the results of other variables?

Cox regression --
         Breslow method for ties                Number of obs      =     22667
         Gamma shared frailty                   Number of groups   =       103
Group variable: company

No. of subjects =         2163                  Obs per group: min =       194
No. of failures =           71                                 avg =   220.068
Time at risk    =      7739538                                 max =       395

                                                Wald chi2(46)      =   6209.90
Log likelihood  =   -313.29552                  Prob > chi2        =    0.0000

          _t | Haz. Ratio   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
      pstock |   .9992232   .0121881    -0.06   0.949     .9756183    1.023399
      mstock |     1.0124   .0179597     0.69   0.487     .9778044    1.048219
    expstock |   1.094391   .1897217     0.52   0.603     .7791295    1.537218
      grupo2 |   4.231667   2.718451     2.25   0.025     1.201417     14.9049
        priv |   2.162367   1.563238     1.07   0.286      .524289    8.918421
    alliance |   2.812804   1.462422     1.99   0.047     1.015281     7.79279
        own2 |   1.310643   1.584542     0.22   0.823     .1225741    14.01427
      lsales |   1.371852   .3741872     1.16   0.246     .8037721    2.341432
          nf |   .9062903    .105697    -0.84   0.399     .7210994    1.139041
       pre91 |   4.332353   1.997612     3.18   0.001     1.754857    10.69562
         age |   .9949293   .0094322    -0.54   0.592     .9766132    1.013589
        sic1 |   1.859124   2.472855     0.47   0.641     .1371227    25.20619
        sic2 |   4.299693   4.926218     1.27   0.203     .4552019    40.61353
        sic3 |   2.843917   3.657909     0.81   0.416     .2286034    35.37945
     gdpcaph |   1.000517   .0005426     0.95   0.340     .9994545    1.001581
     gdpdiff |          1   3.27e-07     0.25   0.802     .9999994    1.000001
        lang |   1.17e+09          .        .       .            .           .
      lndist |    1.38712   3.576611     0.13   0.899      .008858     217.215
       agree |   .9933545   .6794694    -0.01   0.992     .2599379    3.796111
      border |   4.169336   7.285759     0.82   0.414     .1357139    128.0884
     lninfdi |   1.272696   .5410447     0.57   0.571     .5531771    2.928093
    lnexport |   1.226262   .5871333     0.43   0.670     .4797653    3.134281
       coun1 |   3.22e-08   .7510258    -0.00   1.000            0           .
       coun2 |   3.94e+07   1.46e+08     4.72   0.000     27456.55    5.66e+10
       coun3 |    3408175          .        .       .            .           .
       coun4 |   2.17e+08   8.30e+08     5.02   0.000     120135.3    3.92e+11
       coun6 |   6.54e+07   2.00e+08     5.87   0.000       160486    2.66e+10
       coun7 |   5.03e-07   21.54161    -0.00   1.000            0           .
     tarcou1 |   4.11e-18   1.44e-09    -0.00   1.000            0           .
     tarcou2 |   .8961112   2.568654    -0.04   0.969     .0032542    246.7658
     tarcou3 |    .302835    .835457    -0.43   0.665     .0013581    67.52881
     tarcou4 |   .3512424   .8451288    -0.43   0.664     .0031443     39.2368
     tarcou5 |   5.08e-18   1.86e-09    -0.00   1.000            0           .
     tarcou6 |   7.41e-18   2.79e-09    -0.00   1.000            0           .
     tarcou7 |   .5215511   1.251615    -0.27   0.786      .004727    57.54455
     tarcou8 |   .2315671   .6427914    -0.53   0.598     .0010043    53.39115
     tarcou9 |   6.90e-18   2.70e-09    -0.00   1.000            0           .
    tarcou11 |   6.73e-18   2.16e-09    -0.00   1.000            0           .
    tarcou12 |   3.20e-18   1.17e-09    -0.00   1.000            0           .
    tarcou13 |   2.44e-18   8.51e-10    -0.00   1.000            0           .
    tarcou15 |   2.15e-18   8.31e-10    -0.00   1.000            0           .
    tarcou16 |   7.80e-18   2.98e-09    -0.00   1.000            0           .
    tarcou17 |   1.043378   2.932431     0.02   0.988     .0042279    257.4887
    tarcou18 |   4.31e-09   1.06e-08    -7.84   0.000     3.50e-11    5.32e-07
    tarcou19 |   3.93e-09   9.88e-09    -7.69   0.000     2.84e-11    5.44e-07
    tarcou20 |   3.63e-18   1.37e-09    -0.00   1.000            0           .
    tarcou21 |   .4769469   1.298323    -0.27   0.786     .0022981    98.98547
    tarcou22 |    .234499   .5961574    -0.57   0.568     .0016076    34.20708
       theta |   .4990421   .4101498
Likelihood-ratio test of theta=0: chibar2(01) =     3.58 Prob>=chibar2 = 0.029

Note: Standard errors of hazard ratios are conditional on theta.


Doug Thomas

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