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st: frailty, independence of observations

From   "Douglas Thomas" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: frailty, independence of observations
Date   Mon, 20 Oct 2003 14:59:11 -0600

I have a dataset that includes multiple records over a period of ten years. The records represent firms and their potential entry into about 30 nations. So for each year, there are 30 obs. for each firm paired with one of each of the nations. I am using stcox and know the date of entry although I use annual data for the predictors. 
I want to account for the lack of independence between firms. What would be the best way to go to include firm dummy variables (there are about 100 firms and the dataset has 22000 observations so there are no power issues to deal with). Or would the frailty, "shared" option, be better to use?

Thanks in advance.

Doug Thomas
University of New Mexico 

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