Katja Hoelsch <[email protected]> asks how to use -bootstrap- with the
user-written command -inequal7-:
> I want to bootstrap e.g. the gini coefficient with inequal7 in Stata8. In
> version 7 I used the command line
> bs "inequal7 i11101" "S_4", reps(10)
> and it worked.
> Now the command line seems to have change for Stata8 as it should be
> bs "command" exp_list [, reps(#)]
> What I have tried is
> bs "inequal7 i11101" S_4, reps(10)
> Then Stata responds:
> S_4 not found
> error in statistic: S_4
> I also tried
> bs "inequal7 i11101" r(gini), reps(10)
> and Stata responds:
> type mismatch
> error in statistic: r(gini)
> Of course I could use
> version 7
> bs "inequal7 i11101" "S_4", reps(10)
> but isn't there a way to do it in Stata8?
Katja's second attempt using -r(gini)-,
. bs "inequal7 i11101" r(gini), reps(10)
is the correct idea. Unfortunately, the author of -inequal7- saved the
contents of -r(gini)- using -return local- (generates a string) instead of
-return scalar- (generates a number), this is the cause of the "type mismatch"
in the error message.
Katja can easily overcome the "type mismatch" by using the -real()- function:
. bs "inequal7 i11101" real(r(gini)), reps(10)
[email protected]
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