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Re: st: Graphing RAREA with two crossing functions

From   [email protected] (Jeff Pitblado, Stata Corp.)
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Graphing RAREA with two crossing functions
Date   Fri, 17 Oct 2003 15:11:07 -0500

Ernest Berkhout <[email protected]> asks about getting two different
colored -rarea- plots from two crossing curves:

> The idea seems simple, the implementation that I tried so far appears to be 
> not... Therefor I firstly report what I have managed to tackle myself, but 
> finally there are still some open ends. Anyone out there who might have a clue?
> The problem is as follows: imagine a twoway (overlayed) graph with two 
> lines that cross eachother (maybe more than once), for example Y = sin(x) 
> and Y2 = 0.2.
> Now I want to shade the closed areas between these two lines. If possible, 
> I also want different colors for the two possibilities Y>Y2 and Y<Y2. My 
> first approach was to copy minimum and maximum values and then use the 
> -twoway rarea- approach.
> ***********************************
> The example can be reproduced with:
> set obs 100
> gen x = _n/10
> gen y = sin(x)
> gen y2=.2
> *** create low/high-series for the areas where Y>Y2:
> gen low1  = y2 if y > y2
> gen high1 = y  if y > y2
> *** create low/high-series for the areas where Y<Y2:
> gen low2  = y  if y < y2
> gen high2 = y2 if y < y2
> twoway (line y x) (line y2 x ) (rarea low1 high1 x ) (rarea low2 high2 x )
> ********************************
> This yields two problems:
> 1.      The shaded area of this graph does not extend until the exact 
> points of intersection, especially when there are relatively few 
> datapoints. The 'edges' of the area are left blank.
> 2. Follows from problem 1: although the variables low1 and high1 are set to 
> missing when the values of Y are below Y2 (low1>high1), there is still an 
> area to plot for Stata, namely from the last non-missing observations to 
> the first non-missing observations from the next area where Y>Y2 again.
> I managed to work around most of the second problem, by setting low1 & 
> high1 equal to either Y or Y2 instead of missing. Then the code reads:
> gen low1  = y2 if y > y2
> gen high1 = y  if y > y2
> replace low1 = y2 if low1==.
> replace high1= y2 if high1==.
> But when datapoints aren't many (or when functions aren't that smooth as in 
> my example), problem 1 still leaves behind its marks. What is really needed 
> is a way to adress the graph to fill the area up untill the intersection 
> points (and not any further).
> Does anyone have a clue? Is it possible to adress the intersection in a 
> continuous way, or does one manually has to compute these points and add 
> them (temporarily) to the data? Any opinions are welcome!

Ernest almost has it.  The solution is actually a little simpler:

***** BEGIN:
set obs 100
gen x = _n/10
gen y = sin(x)
gen y2=.2

gen low  = min(y,y2)
gen high = max(y,y2)

twoway (rarea low y2 x ) (rarea high y2 x )
***** END:

Ernest could then control the individual line colors by specifying options to
each -rarea- plot.

[email protected]
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