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st: Matrix from -tabstat- output

From   Friedrich Huebler <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Matrix from -tabstat- output
Date   Thu, 16 Oct 2003 09:33:39 -0700 (PDT)

Dear List Members,

I am looking for a flexible way to create matrices from -tabstat-
output that does not require previous knowledge of the number of rows
in the table. Let's take a household survey dataset with some
indicator and make a table for a subsample of persons aged 20-22

. tabstat yes no if age>=20 & age<=22, by(age) save

age |       yes        no
 20 |        60        40
 21 |        50        50
 22 |        55        45
Tot |        52        48

. return list

             r(name3) : "22"
             r(name2) : "21"
             r(name1) : "20"

             r(Stat3) :  1 x 2
             r(Stat2) :  1 x 2
             r(Stat1) :  1 x 2
           r(StatTot) :  1 x 2

Now I create a matrix. Note that I have to spell out the names of the
macros and matrices saved by -tabstat-.

. matrix sample1 = (r(Stat1) \ r(Stat2) \ r(Stat3) \ r(StatTot))
. matrix rownames sample1 = `r(name1)' `r(name2)' `r(name3)' Total
. matrix list sample1

       yes   no
   20   60   40
   21   50   50
   22   55   45
Total   52   48

Are there alternatives to the commands that create the matrix and
assign row names? There should be commands that do not require
spelling out "r(Stat1) ..." and "`r(name1)' ..." These alternative
commands should work for -tabstat- tables of different lengths, for
example for persons aged 20-29 or 15-64 years.

Thank you for your help.

Friedrich Huebler

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