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st: SVYreg Command

From   abianchi <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: SVYreg Command
Date   Wed, 15 Oct 2003 14:46:23 -0400


I am using the svy commands for the first time, and am having some troubles.  
First of all -- I need to have the svyreg regressions produce beta 
coefficients.  The output does not specify if in fact the coefficients are 
standardized or not, and the manuals are not straightforward about this issue.
 The beta option for the regress command does not work for the svyreg command.
 So ... are the coefficients standardized, and if not, how would I calculate 

I tried using svymean to generate the standard deviations, and use the old 
formula (beta = (sx/sy)*b) to calculate the betas, but svymean produces the 
standard error for the mean, and not the standard deviation -- this is at 
least how the output is labeled, and the manuals once again are not 
straightforward in telling me what is being reported.  So ... what would I do 

Finally, I am using version 7 of STATA -- I do not presently have access to 
STATA8, but I could possibly get access.  Does STATA8 have a svyreg command 
option that produces the standardized regression coefficients?  If so, I will 
try to get STATA8.

Thank you in advance for all of your help,


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