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st: makeCns

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: makeCns
Date   Sat, 11 Oct 2003 15:38:19 -0500

Dear Statalisters,

I am trying to use the constraint command to define constraints for linear
combinations of coefficients in a linear regression model.  I want to do
some matrix algebra to compute tests of equality on these combinations.  I
am having trouble with makeCns.  I wrote a program that imposes my
constraints using constraint define, but when I issue the makeCns command,
I get the message:  r(301) Last estimates not found. [check this]

Here's my code:
#delimit ;
capture program drop hsddiff;
program define hsddiff;
  args prefix yst yend;

  local count=0;
  foreach y of numlist `yst' / `yend' {;
    local count = `count' + 1;

    if `y' == 1984 {;
      constraint define `count' `prefix'__`y'  ;
    else {;
      constraint define `count' `prefix'__`y' - hsd__`y' ;
  constraint li;
  matrix makeCns 1-`count';
  matrix r=get(Cns);
  scalar cols=colsof(r)-1;
  scalar rows=rowsof(r);
  matrix R=r[.,1..cols];
  scalar cols=cols+1;
  matrix q=r[1..rows,cols];
  matrix v=e(V);
  matrix b=e(b)';
  matrix coefdiff=R*b;
  matrix coefvar=R*v*R';
  matrix matrix vv=vecdiag(coefvar);

reg lnw black__* other__* female__* blackfem__* otherfem__*
      age__* agesq__*
      divsepwid__* married__* fnumper__* foklt18__*
      inmsa__* hmetrodum__*
      somecoll__* bach__* grad__*
      [pweight=wgt] ,  robust;
parmest, saving(wtall,replace);

hsddiff bach 1980 1989;

here's my log:

. reg lnw black__* other__* female__* blackfem__* otherfem__*
>       age__* agesq__*
>       divsepwid__* married__* fnumper__* foklt18__*
>       inmsa__* hmetrodum__*
>       dropout__*
>       $hsd
>       somecoll__* bach__* grad__*
>       [pweight=wgt] ,  robust;
(sum of wgt is   1.0516e+09)

Regression with robust standard errors                 Number of obs =
                                                       F(178,697491) =
                                                       Prob > F      =
                                                       R-squared     =
                                                       Root MSE      =

             |               Robust
         lnw |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf.
 black__1980 |  -.2187249   .0124757   -17.53   0.000     -.243177

output omitted

  grad__1989 |    .385969   .0492801     7.83   0.000     .2893815
       _cons |   3.805371   .0322174   118.12   0.000     3.742226

. parmest, saving(wtall,replace);
file wtall.dta saved

. hsddiff bach 1980 1989;
     1:  bach__1980 - hsd__1980
     2:  bach__1981 - hsd__1981
     3:  bach__1982 - hsd__1982
     4:  bach__1983 - hsd__1983
     5:  bach__1984
     6:  bach__1985 - hsd__1985
     7:  bach__1986 - hsd__1986
     8:  bach__1987 - hsd__1987
     9:  bach__1988 - hsd__1988
    10:  bach__1989 - hsd__1989
last estimates not found

end of do-file

Thanks in advance!!

--Alex Cavallo
(312) 322-0208  voice
(312) 322-0218  fax

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