George Marcus
> I am just starting with Stata (version 8). I want to use the Data
> Describe command to list all the variables in a data set with many
> variables (well over 100). This would enable me to generate a nice
> codebook (variable names, value labels, and frequency
> distributions). I
> get the results in the Viewer. But, I want to save the
> results into a
> text file and the viewer only holds a portion of the
> resulting command
> (if I click on more it scrolls down but then looses the earliest
> variables). How do I can a listing of all the variables
> generated by
> the command into a single comprehensive file?
Just a pointer for any future questions: it's best to phrase
questions in terms of the command language rather
than the menu headings. For example going Data >
Describe data leads to several commands. Which
command a dialog invokes is echoed in your Results
and Review windows.
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