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st: bizarre missing observations

From   "Robert Bozick" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: bizarre missing observations
Date   Wed, 08 Oct 2003 11:03:51 -0400

Hi Everyone -

I am having problem with a variable (refdate)  It is a continuous measure of the date of first college enrollment.  The coding scheme is YEAR.PROPORTION OF YEAR.  For example 1992.5 means that the student enrolled in college in June of 1992, 1992.58 means the student enrolled in college in July of 1992, 1992.67 means the student enrolled in college in August of 1992, and so forth.

When I have STATA run a frequency distribution (tab refdate), it tells me that I have 6,268 observations who enrolled in 1992.67

However, when I run the command:
tab refdate if refdate == 1992.67
STATA tells me that there are 'no observations'

How could that be if in the frequency distribution there are 6,268 cases?  

I am assuming there might be something embedded in the coding of the variable, does anyone have thoughts on how I could go about checking this/fixing this?  I need to use the command "if refdate == 1992.67" for later variable constructions. 

Thanks in advance!

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