I think one of the major problems users face is just to be aware of
what is possible, given the multiplicity of commands.
Available solutions: At some point, there is no substitute
for reading the manual and playing with the existing
commands, e.g. so that you know the strengths and weaknesses
of -tabulate-, -table-, -tabstat-, -tabdisp- etc. (and
-list- etc.). Some articles in the Stata Journal aim
to provide comparative material.
Required solutions: More documentation of various kinds!
More FAQs please. Anyone who was willing to write a book
on Stata tabulation tasks and tricks would not make the conceptual
breakthrough which Deans and Chairs expect, but they would
be able to start financing their retirement home.
I think that while additional documentation is on the mark (particularly
for documentation mavens [an OK word according to the OED], of which I am
one, what is required is practical and usable documentation. As I have
grown to love Stata 8's graphics, I have generated unbridled animosity to
the graphics help system and manual, having spent (wasted) hours trying to
find things to make the graph I needed.