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RE: st: calling the value of a scalar into a variable

From   "Dev Vencappa" <>
To   <>
Subject   RE: st: calling the value of a scalar into a variable
Date   Mon, 06 Oct 2003 11:36:58 +0100

Stata users, 
 I have a small problem that I am sure can be solved by you experts. I am running some dickey fuller test, and computing my own Akaike Information criteria or Scharwtz Information Criteria. I saved the results of these in a scalar.
  I want to ask stata to create a variable that computes the minimum of the AIC or SIC and return the value in that variable, rather than me cheking it from the screen everytime.  Can anybody help please? I am copying the loop file below.

local z "1 2 3 4 5 6"

foreach x of local z{

regress D.netpremmean L.netpremmean L`x'D.netpremmean 
matrix   b`x'=get(_b)
scalar   AIC`x'=log(_result(4)/_result(1))+(colsof(b`x')/_result(1))*2
scalar   SIC`x'=log(_result(4)/_result(1))+(colsof(b`x')/_result(1))*log(_result(1))
scalar list

 So rather than calling  scalar list and looking at the screen, I want a variable that stores the min of  AIC and SIC so that I can see it in the data editor. I want to do that because at some point I would need to loop that over many series.

Please help.

many thanks

Dev Vencappa
School of Economics
University of Nottingham
University Park
Tel : +44 (0)115 951 5608
Fax: +44 (0) 115 951 4159

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