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st: compute variables referring to other observations

From   "Bornhorst, Fabian" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: compute variables referring to other observations
Date   Mon, 6 Oct 2003 08:32:43 +0200

Dear list,
quite often I want to compute a variable for each observation making reference to values from other observations. I found a way of doing it but there must be a faster way of programming this! For example, in a dataset with the variables household (HH), member, father and education
HH member  father  education
1    1      .       5
1    2      .       6
1    3      2       1
2    1      3       2
2    2      .       4
2    3      .       5
2    4      3       1
The variable father indicates that in HH 1 the observation with member==2 is the father of member==3. Similar, in HH 2 members 1 and 4 have member 3 as father. Suppose I want to create a variable containing the education of the father, ie 
HH member  father  education edu_father
1    1      .        5          .
1    2      .        6          .
1    3      2        1          6
2    1      3        2          5
2    2      .        4          .
2    3      .        5          .
2    4      3        1          5
What is the easiest way of doing so? In I did this with a loop, which looks like this:
gen edu_father=.
gen mysample = father!=.
gsort -mysample
local end=r(N)
forv i=1/`end'{
    su father in `i'/`i', mean
    local father=r(mean)
    su HH in `i'/`i', mean
    local HH =r(mean)
    su education if HH == `HH' & member==`father', mean
    replace edu_father= r(mean) in `i'/`i'
This works, but it is very time consuming in big datasets (on a P4 I estimate 4 hours for the problem I have), and certainly not very elegant.

Does anyone know a shortcut for this?  Any suggestions are greatly appreciated, many thanks,

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