Dear Statalisters,
I am trying to make linear combinations of variables after a regression. I
to save the estimated linear combs and the variance matrix for later
hypothesis testing,
so I can't just use lincom - it doesn't save results in enough detail.
I don't understand what is wrong with this code:
/* program snippet for manual lincom */
#delimit ;
capture program drop coefdiff;
program define coefdiff;
args prefix yst yend;
constraint drop _all;
local count=0;
for each y of numlist `yst' / `yend' {;
local count = `count' + 1;
if `y' == 1984 {;
constraint define `count' `prefix'__`y' ;
else {;
constraint define `count' `prefix'__`y' - hsd__`y' ;
constraint li;
matrix makeCns 1-`count';
matrix r=get(Cns);
scalar cols=colsof(r)-1;
scalar rows=rowsof(r);
matrix R=r[.,1..cols];
scalar cols=cols+1;
matrix q=r[1..rows,cols];
matrix v=e(V);
matrix b=e(b)';
matrix coefdiff=R*b;
matrix coefvar=R*v*R';
matrix matrix vv=vecdiag(coefvar);
Here's my log:
. coefdiff bach 1985 1990
invalid syntax
. set trace on
. coefdiff bach 1985 1990
- args prefix yst yend
- constraint drop _all
- local count=0
- for each y of numlist `yst' / `yend' {
- if _caller()<6 {
for5_0 `0'
- version 6.0
- gettoken piece cmd: 0, parse(" :") quotes
- while `"`piece'"' != ":" & `"`piece'"' != "" {
- local for `"`for' `piece'"'
- gettoken piece cmd: cmd, parse(" :") quotes
- }
- while `"`piece'"' != ":" & `"`piece'"' != "" {
- local for `"`for' `piece'"'
- gettoken piece cmd: cmd, parse(" :") quotes
- }
- while `"`piece'"' != ":" & `"`piece'"' != "" {
- local for `"`for' `piece'"'
- gettoken piece cmd: cmd, parse(" :") quotes
- }
- while `"`piece'"' != ":" & `"`piece'"' != "" {
- local for `"`for' `piece'"'
- gettoken piece cmd: cmd, parse(" :") quotes
- }
- while `"`piece'"' != ":" & `"`piece'"' != "" {
- local for `"`for' `piece'"'
- gettoken piece cmd: cmd, parse(" :") quotes
- }
- while `"`piece'"' != ":" & `"`piece'"' != "" {
- local for `"`for' `piece'"'
- gettoken piece cmd: cmd, parse(" :") quotes
- }
- while `"`piece'"' != ":" & `"`piece'"' != "" {
- local for `"`for' `piece'"'
- gettoken piece cmd: cmd, parse(" :") quotes
- }
- while `"`piece'"' != ":" & `"`piece'"' != "" {
- local for `"`for' `piece'"'
- gettoken piece cmd: cmd, parse(" :") quotes
- }
- while `"`piece'"' != ":" & `"`piece'"' != "" {
local for `"`for' `piece'"'
gettoken piece cmd: cmd, parse(" :") quotes
- if `"`piece'"' != ":" {
- error 198
invalid syntax
Thanks in advance!
--Alex Cavallo
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