Thanks to Kit Baum, two packages have
been updated on SSC.
This is a package for Stata 8 which converts
.smcl files (especially, but only, log files
in SMCL) to HTML, written by Kit Baum,
Bill Rising and myself.
Yesterday, Friedrich Huebler raised an issue
about splitting long lines, and Alan Riley
explained how to tackle it. As promised,
-log2html- now has an extra option -linesize()-
and it also pays attention to the current linesize.
This is a package, now for Stata 8, with two
simple utilities to report concisely on the
number of present (non-missing) or on the
number of missing observations, counts being
by default variable-by-variable or optionally
observation-by-observation. Previous versions
were published in STB-49 in 1999 and in STB-60
in 2001. Those remain accessible for users of
Stata <8.
The Stata team at UCLA independently wrote this
up as part of their excellent website at
However, that write-up refers to the original STB-49
version and is now incomplete.
The changes in this version include
1. support for -by varlist:-
2. options for checking string values that contain
spaces and/or periods (for various reasons, you
might consider string values of " ", " ", etc.,
or of ".", " . ", etc., to be substantively missing).
3. improved documentation (using SMCL), mentioning
extended missing values .a to .z
4. improved output (making use of new -list-
where appropriate).
As always, (most) users of Stata 8 will be
able to install a package <pkgname> from
SSC by
. ssc inst <pkgname>
or to overwrite an existing package by
. ssc replace <pkgname>
<pkgname> in these cases is either
[email protected]
P.S. an update to the -tabsort- program is in the pipeline.
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