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st: gllamm "probability weight variables not found"

From   "Paddock, Susan" <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: gllamm "probability weight variables not found"
Date   Wed, 1 Oct 2003 19:04:15 -0700

I am running gllamm (latest version) and want to use the "pweight"
statement. When I enter either of the following commands that are below
(specifying either 1 weight or 2 weight variables), I receive the following
error message: "probability weight variables not found." I know that the
weight variables are in the data set, because they appear when I type
"describe" and the model runs when I put them in as predictors (just as a
check).  The program runs when I exclude the pweight statement.  Any
thoughts/advice would be appreciated.

The statements are:

gllamm y anydrug anydx black hispanic othrace chronic employed, i(site)
pweight(level2w) family(bin) link(logit)

gllamm y anydrug anydx black hispanic othrace chronic employed, i(site)
pweight(wigivenj level2w) family(bin) link(logit)

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