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st: RE: RE: Using -collapse- extensively to find historical, irregular matches: Better way?

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: Using -collapse- extensively to find historical, irregular matches: Better way?
Date   Wed, 1 Oct 2003 13:27:44 +0100

Chih-Mao Hsieh

> The first suggestion that you mentioned, essentially the following:
> . egen cited2 = group(cited) ;
> . gen allcited = "" ;
> . tostring citing ;
> . tostring cited2 ;
> . bysort citing (cited2) : replace allcited = allcited[_n-1] + " " +
> cited2 ;
> . by citing : keep if _n == _N ;
> . bysort allcited (citing) : gen counter = _n - 1 ;
> . sort citing ;
> As can be expected, when it tries to do the first -bysort-,
> it returns
> the error message "no room to add more variables due to width".  My
> question is: Is there a best way to truncate the
> "concatenation" before
> it goes over the max (presumably 255?), preferably without
> any loops?

In general, as memory is short, -compress- and -drop- any
variables you don't need.

You are of course right that for this approach -cited2- needs
to be string. However, once you have -cited2- you do not
need -cited-, at least for the purpose of identifying which
groups match.  (-cited- is needed for identifying on which
patents they match.)

In addition, you could -drop- any observations for which
no patent is cited, although there may be none.

You could match on the first so many patents, e.g. 7:

egen cited2 = group(cited)
gen allcited = ""
bysort citing (cited2) : replace allcited = allcited[_n-1] + " " +
	string(cited2) if _n <= 7
by citing : replace allcited = allcited[_n-1] if mi(allcited)
by citing : keep if _n == _N
bysort allcited (citing) : gen counter = _n - 1
sort citing

> P.S. I tried the second option with reshape that you
> suggested -- it is
> consuming much more computing time than this -bysort-
> method, so I will
> stick with this.

A pity, as I think that -reshape- offers a much cleaner

[email protected]

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