Dear stata listers
As I understand it, the order of factors specified on the command line
should not have an effect of the results (unless you specify the sequential
SS). However, its seems like in certain circumstances it does.
For your information, I�m new to stata (have been working on SPSS) and I'm
not used to the stata syntax or working with the "long" file format. I
could have got it completely wrong ....
The ANOVA I'm trying to fit is a rather simple one. I have three groups
(grp) with subjects (sub) measured at two points in time (time) and I'm
primarily interested in the interaction grp*time but also in the main
effects of time and group.
If I specify the subject factor before the group factor then there is no
variance left for the group factor (it all end up in the subject factor).
But if I specify it the other way around there is. Why?
See the listings below. As I understand it, it is sufficient to include the
subject factor in the model to account for between subject variance and the
repeated option is not needed when there are only two levels of the repeated
factor. But then again, I could have got it wrong.
I appreciate your comments.
Michael Ingre
. anova dv grp subj time time*grp
Number of obs = 231 R-squared = 0,7962
Root MSE = ,324112 Adj R-squared = 0,5816
Source | Partial SS df MS F Prob > F
Model | 45,9757346 118 ,389624869 3,71 0,0000
grp | ,630208333 2 ,315104167 3,00 0,0538
subj | 45,5183229 113 ,402817017 3,83 0,0000
time | ,166479159 1 ,166479159 1,58 0,2107
time*grp | ,259392017 2 ,129696008 1,23 0,2949
Residual | 11,7654721 112 ,105048858
Total | 57,7412067 230 ,251048725
. anova dv subj grp time time*grp
Number of obs = 231 R-squared = 0,7962
Root MSE = ,324112 Adj R-squared = 0,5816
Source | Partial SS df MS F Prob > F
Model | 45,9757346 118 ,389624869 3,71 0,0000
subj | 45,9169998 115 ,399278259 3,80 0,0000
grp | 0 0
time | ,166479159 1 ,166479159 1,58 0,2107
time*grp | ,259392017 2 ,129696008 1,23 0,2949
Residual | 11,7654721 112 ,105048858
Total | 57,7412067 230 ,251048725
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