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st: programmable windowing keys?

From   Buzz Burhans <>
Subject   st: programmable windowing keys?
Date   Mon, 29 Sep 2003 15:31:57 -0400

The <control>9 feature is a nice feature I was not aware of; Can it be reprogrammed to a different key combination or to a function key? It's use would be easier for me if it was either a single key or a key combination that could be executed one handed. I see in the manual ([U]13.2) where I could program a macro to a function key, but it is not clear to me if a keystroke sequence can be similarly programmed.



At 11:38 AM 9/29/2003 -0400, you wrote:

If you are using the September 9, 2003 version, try hitting control 9. In the very newest Stata that keyboard combination toggles those two windows on and off.

Dave Jacobs
Buzz Burhans

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