Friedrich Huebler wrote:
--- Joseph Coveney <[email protected]> wrote:
> -anova- took 25 minutes including floppy disc access time to
> log the output.
How long does it take when you log the output to a hard drive?
Friedrich Huebler
Beats me. Perhaps it'd be noticeably shorter, although it truly ought not
to be very different.
I only mentioned it because:
- Stata provides the ANOVA table piecemeal as the interim results become
available, so there were a number of diskette accesses throughout the
25-minute run.
- Floppy disc activity on my laptop gives the impression of not being very
well buffered, although the impression could easily be more the result of a
generally untrusting outlook these days when it comes to PCs and the
suspicion that the brand-name vendor chose low-bidder-OEM components..
- And I assume for historical reasons that disc I/O enjoys a high-priority
interupt level.
Joseph Coveney
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