Since my ANOVA was not finishing anytime soon, and some interesting
posts were being added to the thread, I broke out and have posted the
do file and partial results below. You can see that the timing of this
model is astonishingly slow, which makes me suspicious. The way I wrote
the model did not leave anything to the residual, but this can be
modified by moving the term D*T*P*I*A|S*F to the residual. In terms of
timing to complete computations I don't think this matters. Joseph's
model is not what I had in mind. By 4 within-subject factors I mean
repeated measures. In his model there is no repeated() option
indicating this.
My actual data set has instead of 2 levels of strain, 20 levels of
strain and 38,400 observations. Such a data set does not compute in
Stata 8/SE using ANOVA (Previously, Ken Higbee point out that this
might be another story if use MANOVA, because it leaves the within
factors and between factors on different sides of the model and a
smaller X'X requirement.). Monday I meet with a statistician who helps
run Vanderbilt's VAMPIRE parallel system. We'll determine where SAS's
desktop limits lie with this data set, first. I've posted here because
it could be that something is wrong with my computer or do-file that is
causing this molasses-like performance. I was hoping by posting this
do-file that some users with fast PC's could run my do file and tell me
if the problem is my computer or the OS X version of Stata.
I apologize if what gets posted is not in monotype font. It always is
when I send.
-Dave Airey
log: /Users/dairey/Desktop/mice/design/null_small.smcl
log type: smcl
opened on: 26 Sep 2003, 20:46:22
. /* Behavior design:
> between subjects effects
> strain (2) = S
> sex (2) = F
> animals = A
> 2 per sex and strain combination (8 total)
> within subjects effects
> drug (3) = D
> period (4) = T
> intensity (2) = P
> interval (2) = I
> total observations = (2 * 2 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 2 * 2) = 384
> */
. clear