David Airey referred to a book by R. B. Darlington in which SAS's PROC GLM was
described as being able to provide different specifications of indicator
variables. I am not familiar with R. B. Darlington's reference or with the
phrase "ANOVA effect parameters," but after posting a response earlier, it
dawned on me that David might be referring to specifying the contrasts in terms
of sum-to-zero dummy variables in lieu of 0/1 dummy variables. If so, then
this is what -desmat- and other sources refer to as deviance contrasts.
There's a description of this in S. Rabe-Hesketh & B. Everitt, _A Handbook of
Statistical Analyses Using Stata, 2nd. Edition. (Boca Raton: Chapman &
Hall/CRC, 2000), pp. 72-75, among other places.
If I've correctly understood this time what David is looking for, then -desmat-
will address both the need to create such indicator variables and the ability
to specify more than two-way interaction terms. For the former, see the
illustration below. For the latter, see the recent post regarding -desmat- and
Stata 8.
Joseph Coveney
set more off
infile cond status resp using ///
anova resp cond status cond*status, regress
desmat: regress resp cond*status, defcon(dev(99)) desrep(all) verbose
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