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Re: st: RE: Cross-platform mobility

From   Bill Rising <[email protected]>
To   "Stata Listserve" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: RE: Cross-platform mobility
Date   Mon, 22 Sep 2003 16:48:54 -0400

On 9/22/03 16:06, Danielle H. Ferry wrote

>On 9/22/03 3:56 PM, "Nick Cox" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Danielle H. Ferry
>>> Not sure if there is a solution to this, but I figured I'd
>>> throw it out there. I have an external hard drive which I use on both a
>>> Mac (OS X) and a PC (Win XP). [snip...]

>I don't understand what you are referring to. The problem I have is that
>suppose I write a do-file that has one line that looks like this:
>use :C:stata:auto, clear
>This will work fine when I run on my Mac. If I try to run on a PC, however,
>I will have to change the line to:
>use C:\stata\auto, clear

A couple of things:

Alan Riley's suggestion of using / to separate directories is fine, but 
there might be a little trouble if you follow it literally, because
. on the boot drive, the prefix to the path is /
. on an external drive named Tucholsky, the prefix to the path is 

Otherwise using macros in the file is the way to go - I've 
done it forever on data I drag back and forth from home to work on 
machines with different drive names.

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