for testa testb: regress X lead\ outreg using "X.doc"
for testa testb: regress X lead age gender\
outreg using "X.doc", append
If anyone has any other suggestions, let me
Question: Is there a way to use the 'Outreg'
command after using the 'Repeat Stata command'?
This is my first posting so
forgive me if I don't know the 'right' way to ask my question.
Details: I am using multiple linear regression
for twenty different dependent outcomes variables. There are several
different 'models' I am looking at, which are consistent across the
outcomes. For each model, the independent variables are all the
same. So rather than type each equation separately I am using the Repeat
Stata command for each model. Now I need to compare different models
for the outcome variables. So for each outcome variable, I would like to
look at the beta coefficient and confidence interval for the first independent
variable for each model.
My output would ideally look
something like the following:
Test A Score: Model
1 Model 2 Model 3
blood lead
beta1 beta2
(CI2) (CI3)
age beta2a beta3a
(CI2a) (CI3a)
Test B Score: Model
1 Model 2 Model 3
blood lead
beta1 beta2
(CI2) (CI3)
age beta2a beta3a
(CI2a) (CI3a)
The problem is after typing the
for testa testb: regress X
. . . if I then use the outreg command it only
captures the last regression. Is there a way to use outreg to capture all
of the regressions? Thank you for any help!