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st: RE: 'outreg'-ing after the 'Repeat Stata command'

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: 'outreg'-ing after the 'Repeat Stata command'
Date   Thu, 18 Sep 2003 18:53:46 +0100

meganweil wrote (modulo deprecated MIME/HTML) 

Question: Is there a way to use the 'Outreg' command after 
using the 'Repeat Stata command'?  

This is my first posting so forgive me if I don't know the 
'right' way to ask my question.

Details: I am using multiple linear regression for twenty 
different dependent outcomes variables.  There are several 
different 'models' I am looking at, which are consistent 
across the outcomes.  For each model, the independent 
variables are all the same.  So rather than type each 
equation separately I am using the Repeat Stata command 
for each model.  Now I need to compare different models 
for the outcome variables.  So for each outcome variable, 
I would like to look at the beta coefficient and confidence 
interval for the first independent variable for each model.

    My output would ideally look something like the following:

Test A Score:    Model 1    Model 2    Model 3

blood lead         beta1        beta2        beta3            
                        (CI1)         (CI2)         (CI3)

age                                   beta2a     beta3a
                                        (CI2a)       (CI3a)

gender                                             beta3b

Test B Score:    Model 1    Model 2    Model 3

blood lead         beta1        beta2        beta3            
                        (CI1)         (CI2)         (CI3)

age                                   beta2a     beta3a
                                        (CI2a)       (CI3a)

gender                                             beta3b

The problem is after typing the command:

for testa testb: regress X

. . . if I then use the outreg command it only captures the 
last regression.  Is there a way to use outreg to capture 
all of the regressions?  

>>> I've never used -outreg- but I know something about 
-for-. You can get separate reports on each regression 
by putting a call to -outreg- within the -for- command 
(or -- much much better -- using -foreach-). 

I'm not aware that -outreg- will combine model
results in the way that you wish. Someone confirm 
or refute! 

Roger Newson's programs offer a different approach, 
as he may well explain. 

[email protected] 

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