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st: v. 8 bootstrap vs. v.7 bstrap

From   Mike Lacy <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: v. 8 bootstrap vs. v.7 bstrap
Date   Wed, 17 Sep 2003 08:59:11 -0600

I have a bootstrapping program that I developed under v. 7, which I now want to rewrite to run as native code under v.8. I am discovering that, apparently, v.7's bstrap and v.8's bootstrap are more different than the help documentation indicates. My immediate difficulty is this: My bstrap usage in the v.7 code took a program of my own ("MyProg")as an argument, and several user-defined quantities were calculated and posted within the program. The bstrap command looked like this:
bstrap MyProg, size(100) reps(1000)

Under v.8, this usage occasions an error message indicating that this command lack an an "expression list," but that seems irrelevant to me, since MyProg does its own posting. Can someone enlighten me here about how to satisfy bootstrap's apparent desire for an expression list? Perhaps this is documented in the hard copy manuals (which I didn't buy) but not in the program help?

Also, I notice that the grammar for bootstrap in v. 8 indicates that it is intended to take a command rather than a program as an argument, although there is a reference in the help text indicating that it can take a user program, as did bstrap. Is there some significant change in the bootstrapping facilities between v.7 and v.8?


Mike Lacy
Fort Collins CO
(970) 491-6721 office

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