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st: Re: Rounding problem in graph

From   Friedrich Huebler <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: Rounding problem in graph
Date   Fri, 12 Sep 2003 07:10:56 -0700 (PDT)


Thank you for your enlightening reply. My problem was that the number
74.90000000000001 was drawn in a graph, instead of 74.9. Converting
the variable to a string is the solution I needed. I also appreciate
the style advice, I was not aware of the illegal syntax and I had not
considered that I could use the values returned by -summarize- to
create macros.

With your help I could reduce my data set from

     sex   rg5      order       tmax       mmax       fmax
    Male  72.2          2       74.9       72.2       74.9
  Female  74.9          1       74.9       72.2       74.9


     sex   rg5      order
    Male  72.2          2
  Female  74.9          1

"Male" and "Female" are labels for the actual values 1 and 2. My
original (and incorrect) commands for producing a bar graph were:

  #delimit ;
  local textpos1 = tmax/100*20;
  local textpos2 = tmax/100*50;
  local mvalue = round(mmax,.1);
  local fvalue = round(fmax,.1);
  graph bar rg5,
    over(sex, sort(order) gap(0) axis(off))
    bar(1, bcolor(0 153 255) blcolor(white))
    yscale(r(0 `max(tmax)') off) ylabel(minmax, nogrid)
    outergap(0) plotr(m(zero))
    graphregion(color(white) margin(zero))
    text(`textpos1' 25 "Girls", size(20) color(white))
    text(`textpos1' 75 "Boys", size(20) color(white))
    text(`textpos2' 25 "`fvalue'%", size(20) color(white))
    text(`textpos2' 75 "`mvalue'%", size(20) color(white))

The revised commands are:

  #delimit ;
  sum rg5;
  local scalemax = r(max);
  local textpos1 = r(max)/100*20;
  local textpos2 = r(max)/100*50;
  sum rg5 if sex==1;
  local mvalue = string(r(max), "%2.1f");
  sum rg5 if sex==2;
  local fvalue = string(r(max), "%2.1f");
  graph bar rg5,
    over(sex, sort(order) gap(0) axis(off))
    bar(1, bcolor(0 153 255) blcolor(white))
    yscale(r(0 `scalemax') off) ylabel(minmax, nogrid)
    outergap(0) plotr(m(zero))
    graphregion(color(white) margin(zero))
    text(`textpos1' 25 "Girls", size(20) color(white))
    text(`textpos1' 75 "Boys", size(20) color(white))
    text(`textpos2' 25 "`fvalue'%", size(20) color(white))
    text(`textpos2' 75 "`mvalue'%", size(20) color(white))

Thanks again, this was a most instructive excercise.

Friedrich Huebler

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