This is an excerpt from a larger data set:
sex rg5 order tmax mmax fmax
Male 72.2 2 74.9 72.2 74.9
Female 74.9 1 74.9 72.2 74.9
I want to draw a simple bar graph that indicates the value for each
sex. The problem is that I cannot find a way for Stata to draw the
value for Female (74.9) rounded to one decimal place. Instead, the
number 74.90000000000001 is drawn.
#delimit ;
local textpos1 = tmax/100*20;
local textpos2 = tmax/100*50;
local mvalue = round(mmax,.1);
local fvalue = round(fmax,.1);
graph bar rg5,
over(sex, sort(order) gap(0) axis(off))
bar(1, bcolor(0 153 255) blcolor(white))
yscale(r(0 `max(tmax)') off) ylabel(minmax, nogrid)
outergap(0) plotr(m(zero))
graphregion(color(white) margin(zero))
text(`textpos1' 25 "Girls", size(20) color(white))
text(`textpos1' 75 "Boys", size(20) color(white))
text(`textpos2' 25 "`fvalue'%", size(20) color(white))
text(`textpos2' 75 "`mvalue'%", size(20) color(white))
When the line
local fvalue = round(fmax,.1);
is changed to
local fvalue = round(fmax,1);
a rounded value is displayed. When 74.8888 is substituted for 74.9 in
fmax, it is possible to round to two or three decimal places, but not
to one decimal place. How can I make Stata display exactly 74.9 in
the graph?
Many thanks,
Friedrich Huebler
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