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st: Creating variables = sum(last year)

From   "Jitian Sheu" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Creating variables = sum(last year)
Date   Wed, 10 Sep 2003 11:01:32 -0400

Dear Listers:
I am not sure my subject title is correct

My question is as following:

Suppose I have data as following:

obs    id     date                     vol            X
1        1     01 jan 1995           a               -
2        1     28 feb 1995             b            a
3        1     31 oct 1996             c            a
4        1     25 dec 1996             d            d
5        1     29 dec 1996             e            c+d
6        1     15 nov 1997             f             c+d
7        2     01 jan 1994             g            -
8        2     10 jan 1994             h            g
9        2     25 jan 1994             i            g+h
10      2     3 feb 1994                 j           g+h+i
11      2     28 feb 1994             k            g+h+i+j
12     2       01 jan 1995             l            g+h+i+j+k
13     2      11 jan 1995             m            g+h+i+j+k+l

What I want is a new varialbe, say call X
Where X is the summation of "VOL" for the same ID, but, the summation only
count for one year behind the date of underlying observation.

For example, take a look for observation #5.
This observation has date ="29 Dec 1996" (for ID=1)
The value of this new variable = all "VOL" occured between "29 Dec 1995" -
"28 Dec 1996".
In this case the value is "c+d"

Take another example.
Let's see the observation #10.
This observation has date= "3 Feb 1994"
I want the X to be the summation of all VOL occured between "3 Feb 1993" to
"2 Feb 1994", ===> =g+h+i

Does anyone have suggestion?

Thank you very much


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