Pauline Rogers <> knows that an update to
Stata's executable and ado-files was made available yesterday, 9sep2003,
> when I typed update query Stata told me the last update was August 22nd not
> September 9th. is the problem likely to be at your end or mine?
The problem is on Pauline's end and, if she will just be patient, it will
resolve itself. In order to minimize bandwidth charges for crossing the
Atlantic, many U.K. institutions cache web sites. What's happening is that
Stata is calling out for information from, and that rather than
getting information directly from here in the U.S., Stata is getting back
informtion that was cached by her institution a day or so before. Where
Pauline is, it looks like Stata has not yet been updated.
The caching software is usually set to refresh its buffers every few
days, so my advice to Pauline is to type -update query- every so often.
Eventually, the update will appear.
-- Bill
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