Thanks to Kit Baum, a revised version of dmerge.ado is now available on the BC Archives. To obtain this version, issue the command
ssc install dmerge, replace
This version corrects a bug in the keep/ukeep option. It also adds an option for automatically displaying _merge (tabulate _merge) following the merge.
I have been asked what advantage -dmerge- has over -mmerge-. -mmerge- offers more detail and options. However, -mmerge- requires that the data in memory be preserved and the using set to be loaded into memory. For that reason -dmerge-, relying on Stata 8.0 commands, is 100% faster. In tests made on data sets here, a merge using -mmerge- took 20 seconds compared to 10 seconds with -dmerge-.
Fred Wolfe
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