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Re: st: sf36 danish version

From   Philip Ryan <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: sf36 danish version
Date   Sat, 6 Sep 2003 10:08:03 +0930


The -sf36.ado- package is programmed for the Australian (and New Zealand), UK 
and US versions of SF36 (or at least, as they existed in 2000/2001 when I last 
tinkered with the program).

The US and Australian versions of the questionnaire were identical except for 
very minor language differences that did not impact on the order, numbering or 
meaning of questions.  The UK version of the SF36 differed somewhat more 
substantively and the code of -sf36- via its -natver()- option allowed for this.

If the Danish translation of the SF36 instrument yields questions, question 
numbering and ordering identical to either the US/Australian/NZ or the UK 
version, then *most* of the -sf36- program (the 8 dimensions) will work OK - 
just select the correct -natver()- option.  What will *not* be valid are the 
two Summary scales - Physical and Mental.  These rely on factor loadings that 
are peculiar to each country and the values have been hard-wired into -sf36- 
for the 3 countries supported.  If the published factor loadings have changed 
over the last 2 or 3 years then -sf36- should be considered out-of-date.  The 
help file gives the provenance of the factor loadings.

A better design of the program would be to have the factor loadings held in a 
separate -using()- file so people could construct their own.  [As it is, it 
would not be difficult for someone with very modest programming skills to get 
into the code and "manually" add in or even substitute a different set of 
factor loadings for a country's current version.]

I have no immediate plans to look at -sf36- again.

I hope this is of some use.


Quoting Lars Korsholm <[email protected]>:

> Hi all
> The questionar SF36
> has a danish translation. (actual is version 1.1)
> Does anyone know if one can apply the sf36 package
> to this version of the questionar?
> and which natver opstion shold be used?
> Kind regard
> and nice weekend to all
> Lars
> ............................................
> : Lars Korsholm Ph.D.,                     :
> :  Department of Statistics                :
> :  University of Southern Denmark          :
> :  Sdr. Boulevard 23A, 2.                  :
> :  DK-5000 Odense C                        :
> : Phone   +45 6550 3608                    :
> : Mobil   +45 3033 3617                    :
> : Fax     +45 6595 7766                    :
> : Mail    [email protected]              :
> : Web  :
> :..........................................:
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Philip Ryan
Associate Professor
Department of Public Health
University of Adelaide
5005 South Australia
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