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When the intensity of a color in a graph is changed it is not
possible to revert back to the default intensity when the color is
specified in the command.

. sysuse auto
. graph bar mpg
. graph bar mpg, bar(1, bcolor(*.5))
. graph bar mpg

So far, so good. The bar is drawn with the default intensity, then
with a reduced intensity, then again with the default intensity. Now
let's specify the color in the command.

. graph bar mpg, bar(1, bcolor(navy))
. graph bar mpg, bar(1, bcolor(navy*.5))
. graph bar mpg, bar(1, bcolor(navy))
. graph bar mpg

The second command reduces the intensity but now we are stuck with
it. One might think that multiplying the color by 2 would restore the
original intensity but this is not the case.

. graph bar mpg, bar(1, bcolor(*2))
. graph bar mpg, bar(1, bcolor(navy))

To reset the colors to their default it is necessary to exit and
restart Stata. I assume that this behavior is not intended. Can other
Stata users reproduce this? I use Stata 8.1 and Windows XP.

Thank you.

Friedrich Huebler

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